Everyone is asking about what to do with Windows 10, Microsoft’s newest operating system about to come out this summer. Should you get it? And when?
How much better / easier / different is Windows 10? That depends on how much you hate your current operating system. Microsoft is bringing back the start button (although it will look like the tile screen and take up a lot more real estate) and moving away from the tablet interface 8 is hated for.
In all cases, the new operating system fixes some bugs, and can be marginally faster (yes, even for Win 7 users). It’s smaller (so it takes up less hard drive space and memory). So that means you should rush out and update (since it is free in a lot of cases) as soon as possible!
Heck no.
The free update is available for a year after Windows 10 releases. Just like the earlier operating systems, Microsoft is letting anyone “test” the update. Even so, they are fixing problems often, and even more will crop up once the operating system is deployed world wide. Your software may or may not work with the new OS. Your hardware may or may not work with the new OS.
I suggest waiting until the first year is almost up, when all the problems are identified and fixed, where all your software is updated to work with 10, all the negatives have work-arounds identified.
Unless you absolutely positively rabidly hate 8. Then you should update as soon as possible. After all, it can’t possibly be worse. Right? Right?