Here are a few examples of new websites and redesigns I have done. For more information or pricing, please contact me to set up an appointment.
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sadly, the local Lutheran Church let their website languish for many years. At a certain point, it wasn’t working. They like the original design and most of the layout, so a complete behind the scenes overhaul took place, while keeping about 80% of the existing design. Everything important appears on the front page, with details and more information on a few others. It’s also easy to update with special services or announcements!
Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial
David Westphall Veterans Foundation
Just redesigned the local Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial website that needed a fresh coat of paint and behind the scenes updating. Not only did a 180 item online shop (as well as customers and history) need converting, but their database of over 440 service men MIA or KIA needed overhauling as well. Also several slideshows and information pages (32 in all!) had to be redone.
National Veteran’s Wellness and Healing Center
Military Winterfest
What to when you have both nationally acclaimed veteran’s retreat with a yearly ski celebration of military families? Visiting brings you to the front page of a multipage website focusing on the Wellness Center, while stopping by takes you to a single, information filled page with video snow background (you’ve got to check it out!) and side scrolling menu between sections that’s all part of the main website. Each is promoted separately, but is all interconnected and hosting together, saving money.
Medicine Cards
The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals
I was hired by a local author to update a simple html mult-page site and make it easier for him and his wife to do their own editing. Using the existing layout (with a few minor tweaks), we arrived at something the couple could work with on their own, with a little instruction.
Balloons Over Angel Fire
Nashville to New Mexico
Several local events have websites that get updated once a year with new information. Whatever activity, be it a fund raiser or festival, can be promoted online year-round. From up to date information, important schedule changes, sign-ups and ticket sales, a website will keep you in the public eye.
C & C Firearms
I’ve had several requests for simple, single page websites just showing times and information. These are really quick to set up and cheap to run. Almost every business that sells to the public should have some type of internet presence, showing their contact information and what they sell.
The TrailHead Bike & Ski Shop, Angel Fire NM
This site has gone through several redesigns and now features a video background. When the registers aren’t being used, this is displayed instore for the customer. It changes twice a year (summer and winter) for the different product mixes, and features an online reservation system. (check it out!)

Enchanted Circle Homes & Realty
Avant-Garde Home Construction, Eagle Nest NM
Rotary Club of Angel Fire
I’ve had the opportunity to update the Rotary Club of Angel Fire’s web presence. Lots of fun, including a membership area and e-newsletter functionality. I also got to redesign the logo, following along Rotary International’s new design.
Update: I redesigned the site and it has won Best Small Club Website (2015) from Rotary District 5520!

Heartfully Crafted / Decorative Tole Painting – Linda Patterson
Including an integrated shopping cart .

I also do graphic design work — here’s the new business card of New Mexico Land Sales. The funky copper is a foil accent.